Home Design 12×30 Meters 4 Bedrooms. This project is undoubtedly one of the best ever made by our team. With a perfect combination of design and functionality, this residence has 4 suites, 3 on the upper floor and one on the ground floor. If you do not need all the dormitories, one of them can be easily used as an office. The house also has a living room, tv room and integrated dining room. The kitchen is located in another room, near the gourmet area. In the back room there is space for a beautiful pool with a wooden deck.

Building area 244 square meters
Width of the house 8,70 meters
Length of house 18.44 meters
Width of terrain 12 meters or greater
Length of terrain 30 meters or greater
bedrooms 4
Suites 4
Bathrooms 5
Garage 2 vacancies
Front recoil 5 meter (s)
Background recoil 6.56 meter (s)
Left side indent 1.80 meter (s)
Right side indent 1.50 meter (s)

Buy this Plan https://www.plantapronta.com.br/projeto/87A/planta-de-sobrado-com-quarto-no-terreo